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Membership of Kapiti Radio Yacht Club is open to anyone who shares the Club's aims to foster and encourage participation in the sport of Radio Sailing.  Any person seeking membership can complete an online Membership Application and pay the annual subscription.  All members of KRYC are bound by the Constitution and Regulations of the Club.


Membership Categories:


  • Ordinary Member:  Entitled to hold any office and enjoy the full privileges of the Club.
    Annual Subscription: $40, reducing to $25 for membership applications made after 1 December.  Subscription includes $10 annual membership of the New Zealand Radio Yachting Association.  


  • Social Member:  A person other than an ordinary member who is interested in promoting the Club but who does not wish to  participate in club racing activities may become a Social Member. 
    Annual Subscription: $25.


  • Junior Member:  A person under the age of 18 years may become a Junior Member. Junior Members have no voting rights and may not hold any office.  
    Annual Subscription: $10.


Subscriptions fall due on 1 April and must be paid by 31 May.  Payment should be made directly to the club bank account.

Account Name:  Kapiti Radio Yacht Club

Account Number:  12-3157-0167988-00


Membership Application 


Privacy Statement

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